Visualising traceability data of tobacco products
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Public Health Agency of Sweden, Sweden
Publication date: 2024-10-17
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(Supplement 1):A25
The EU traceability system for tobacco products generates data that can be useful in a wide range of analyses. The Public Health Agency of Sweden is the only Swedish authority with access to the EU traceability database. We are exploring ways to visualise this data alongside other databases, such as income levels, population demographics, and public health statistics, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of tobacco consumption patterns. The traceability system provides that all unit packets of tobacco products are to be marked with a unique identifier in order for their movements to be recorded in the European Union. Each unit packet of tobacco products shall be recorded and traced to a specific retail outlet, enabling detailed mapping of tobacco sales and consumption patterns across cities and municipalities. By combining and visualising this data with other datasets, we aim to show that traceability data can potentially be used for public health initiatives. The primary objective of the traceability system is to combat illicit trade in tobacco products. The presentation will show how traceability data can be used for the purpose of indicating illegal sales activities and to guide enforcement authorities against illicit trade. By this presentation we will show how traceability data can be used by different national authorities for different purposes such as health, illicit trade, taxes, environment etc.
The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
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