Updates in the state of play from the Technical Group on tobacco product flavours
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Medical School, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Cara Technology Limited, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A27
The European Union (EU) Tobacco Product Directive bans
tobacco products with characterizing flavors, within this process
the independent advisory panel (IAP) is tasked with issuing
opinions on whether a tobacco product has a characterizing
flavor and as appropriate, the panel shall request input from a
technical group of sensory and chemical assessors. The approach
for specifying the methodology for whether a tobacco product
imparts a characterizing flavor is based on a comparison of
the smelling properties of test products with those of reference
products through sensory analysis, complemented by a chemical
assessment of the product composition through chemical analyses.
Within this framework and in the past year, the Technical Group
has maintained a high level of operational expertise, with over
1500 training and test samples assessed during >150 evaluation
sessions, with >50 different flavor compounds tested. Within the
next timeframe, the skills and behaviors of the sensory assessors
will continue to be monitored and improved so as to maintain
the current high level of operations needed to support IAP in its
decision-making process.
The EUREST-FLAVOURS Project takes place with the financial support of the European Commission Single framework Contract Chafea/2016/Health/36. The content represents the views of the EUREST-FLAVOURS Consortium and is its sole responsibility; it can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or Chafea or any other body of the European Union.