Tobacco endgame has arrived: What that means for tobacco control advocates and ministries of health
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Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), Washington, United States
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A96
Tobacco endgame – defined here as a policy or set of policies that virtually ends the tobacco epidemic – is no longer a distant dream. Two cities have removed tobacco products from shelves already, while others have put in place policies that will lead to a complete phase-out of sales. And there are plans in at least a dozen countries to examine paths forward on endgame. This session will introduce Project Sunset, a global campaign to phase out the sale of commercial combustible tobacco products. While the vision of Project Sunset is specific, its policy scope is broad, envisioning a plethora of policy schemes that will vary by jurisdiction. Unlike past endgame discussions, Sunset focuses on building the political will necessary to embark on endgame policy discussions. This panel will discuss the growing momentum in favor of tobacco endgame policies, from the birth of the ASPIRE movement to the recent implementation of local tobacco product sales bans to New Zealand’s exciting tobacco endgame proposal. The panel will examine the legal framework for pursuing tobacco sales restrictions, the human rights as well as public health imperatives that drive endgame discussions, the challenges and opportunities to open endgame conversations even in jurisdictions that may not yet be positioned to enact endgame policies, and the consideration of unique endgame issues for priority populations. Concrete examples of endgame initiatives such as the embrace of endgame goals in California and New Zealand and the experiences of cities that have successfully passed ordinances phasing out the sale of tobacco products will be considered. Finally, panelists will examine tobacco industry rhetoric and attempts to co-opt the endgame discussion.
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