Tobacco control and cessation in Eastern Europe - a situation analysis: The Russian Perspective
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Russian Public Health Association, Russia
Submission date: 2016-03-30
Acceptance date: 2016-03-31
Publication date: 2016-03-31
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Andrei Konstantinovich Demin   

Russian Public Health Association, Russia, Angelov per. d.7 k. 4 kv. 363, 125368 Moscow, Russia
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2016;2(April Supplement):29
Russia ratified WHO FCTC on 3 June 2008. On December 22, 2008 Federal law "Technical regulations on tobacco products" was adopted, probably normalizing activities of tobacco companies in view of risks posed by the Convention. Annual production capacity exceeds 700 billion cigarettes. According to GATS the highest prevalence of tobacco use in 2009 was in Russia, 39.1% of adults (43.9 million) used tobacco, smoking prevalence of 60.2% among men and 21.7% among women. In 2015, the Ministry of Health reported a 17% decline in the number of smokers since the adoption of tobacco control legislation in 2013. The law introduced comprehensive smoke free policies, picture warnings, banned point of sales materials (POSM), alas standards and order of cessation care have not been approved yet. Taxes are low and are regulated within Eurasian Economic Union agreements with a risk of remaining low. Article 5.3 implementation and signing of Protocol on Illicit Trade are among priorities.
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