The effectiveness of interventions for primary care physicians to assist in smoking cessation in Ukraine
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Kiev Health Center, Kiev, Ukraine
M.D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology, Kiev, Ukraine
Submission date: 2017-03-30
Acceptance date: 2017-04-05
Publication date: 2017-05-25
Corresponding author
Otto Stoyka
Kiev Health Center, Stecenka str., N2 A, app.33., 04136 Kiev, Ukraine
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2017;3(May Supplement):81
The aim was to assess quit smoking interventions among primary health care doctors in Ukraine
Material and Methods:
We examined 190 doctors from primary care facilities in Kyiv City with regards to the quit smoking interventions they provide to their patients.
The data showed that 91% report they take an interest in the smoking status of their patients. It is reported in more than 25-30% of medical records. About 25% to 44% or respondents notes the smoking status if the patient smokes. 22% of respondents ignores the patient’s answers, without marking medical records.
Only 39-63% of the relevant experts note in the medical records. Most health care professionals say that they advise their patients to quit smoking. 50% of physicians and 75% of cardiologists and GP provide such advice to anyone who smokes. Noteworthy is the fact that 42% of physicians advise to quit smoking only if the patient's disease can be associated with smoking.
Most of the recommendations have a formal character as 62% of physicians indicate a lack of expertise on the subject.
Implementation of standards for health care professionals to aid to quit smoking is extremely important for public health in Ukraine. Creating a system of antismoking education of health workers - the only way of forming their professional relationship to smoking cessation- and one of the most effective measures to protect people from illness and death associated with smoking.