The assignment of tobacco control to the NAAC progress made and future pursuits
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Cyprus National Addictions Authority (NAAC), Nicosia, Cyprus
Publication date: 2020-10-22
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(Supplement):A73
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The Cyprus National Addictions Authority (NAAC) is the supreme coordinating body concerning licit and illicit addictive substances and pathological gambling in Cyprus. The assignment of tobacco control to the NAAC was made at 2017, with the legislation’s amendment governing the former Anti-Drug Council, currently NAAC.
The main activities of the NAAC for tobacco control concern:
1. The amendment of the current national legislation by introducing more restrictions for smoking.
2. The effective implementation of the national legislation through the active involvement of all stakeholders.
3.The implementation of preventive actions in the general population and other targeted groups.
4.The upgrade of the current tobacco cessation programmes and licensing of other programmes, that will create an effective network on tobacco cessation.
Action Taken:
The NAAC upon taking the responsibility of the coordination for tobacco control proceeded in the following actions:
1.Τhe 1st National Action Plan on Tobacco Control 2018–2020 was prepared, implemented and monitored.
2. The National Advisory Committee for Tobacco Control was reconstituted, under NAAC’s presidency, with Subcommittees on Control, Treatment and Research.
3. Printed and online informational material is produced and distributed.
4. Prevention Campaigns with the preparation of video and audio clips, on mass media and on the web are conducted on 31 May.
5. During the 1st Scientific Conference of the NAAC, under the title ‘Science Behind Addictions’, on 11–12 September 2019, a presentations panel concerning tobacco was organized.
6.The 1st Smoking Cessation Training Workshop was organized on 10 December 2018 in collaboration with the Medical School, University of Cyprus.
7.The NAAC chaired a discussion panel in the 1st Interdisciplinary Conference of the Cyprus Institute of Respiratory Diseases on 12 December 2019.
The NAAC recognizes that there is still a lot to be done concerning tobacco control in Cyprus. A series of actions is taken for the fulfilment of the objectives described.