The UN treaty against plastic pollution: towards a global filterban?
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Belgian Alliance for a Smoke Free Society, Brussels, Belgium
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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Danielle van Kalmthout   

Belgian Alliance for a Smoke Free Society, Brussels, Belgium
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A123
Plastic pollution is a global problem and an urgent one. Cigarette butts are single-use plastics and a big part of this problem, being the most polluted item in the world. Moreover, cigarette butts contain toxic chemicals that leach into the (aquatic) environment. According to cigarette manufacturers, the filter was introduced to limit the harmful impact of cigarettes on health. However, research shows that the introduction of filter has only made cigarettes more and not less harmful. Cigarette filters should therefore be banned to protect public health and the environment by recognizing them as 'problematic and avoidable plastics' under the UN Convention Against Plastic Pollution which is currently being negociated. Belgium's Supreme Health Council already advised in favour of banning cigarette filters. The session will introduce participants to the health and environmental arguments on the filterban, the negotiations on the UN Convention Against Plastic Pollution, the Belgian advice to ban cigarette filters and how participants can influence their national delegations working on this convention.
The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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