Smoking legislation in Romania: Impact and challenges
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ENSP Youth Group, Belgium
Victor Babes Hospital, Timisoara, Romania
Publication date: 2024-10-17
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(Supplement 1):A47
Over the past five decades, Romania has enacted several legislative measures to combat tobacco use. Despite these efforts, smoking prevalence remains high, particularly among younger demographics. Along with EU directives, tobacco-related legislation plays a crucial role in shaping public health policies and outcomes. This study evaluates the impact of Romania's tobacco control legislation, focusing on critical laws introduced in the last 50 years. It examines the effectiveness of these laws in reducing smoking rates and exposure to second-hand smoke.

Romania’s tobacco control legislation was reviewed, including Law No. 349/2002 on tobacco prevention, Law No. 15/2016 on smoking in enclosed public spaces, and Law No. 209/2018 regulating electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products. Tax policies and the transposition of EU directives, such as the 2014/40/EU Tobacco Products Directive, were also analyzed. National health surveys and public reports provided data on smoking trends.

The 2016 smoking ban significantly reduced second-hand smoke exposure in public spaces. However, smoking rates, particularly among males and adolescents, remain high. Increased excise taxes and advertising restrictions under Law No. 332/2005 have led to a modest reduction in consumption. Enforcement remains inconsistent, especially in rural areas. The adoption of EU directives has strengthened the regulatory framework but has yet to achieve a substantial decline in smoking rates.

Romania's legislative efforts have produced positive outcomes, especially in reducing second-hand smoke exposure and limiting tobacco advertising. However, challenges in enforcement and high smoking rates among certain populations persist. Strengthening enforcement and public health campaigns, alongside continued alignment with EU regulations, is essential for further progress.

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Funding is not provided.
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