Smoke-free generation legislation in the United Kingdom
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School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
Publication date: 2024-10-17
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(Supplement 1):A76
The previous UK government had plans for legislation that would have made the buying of tobacco illegal for anyone born after 2009. This would have raised the tobacco smoking age by one year until it applied to the whole population. These plans were accompanied by consulting on measures to reduce the appeal of vaping to children as well as restricting e-cigarette availability. Although these plans were well supported across the political spectrum, they did not come to fruition due to a change in government. The incoming government has committed to taking similarly serious measures to reduce the harms of tobacco smoking and to reduce vaping among children. This has included media reports of extending smoke-free legislation to outdoor environments such as outdoor restaurant areas. Together, these new policies have the potential – if carefully designed – to move the UK to a smoke-free generation. This presentation will cover the advocacy and research efforts behind these plans and the evidence base for their impacts. It will consider what the UK can learn from international evidence and what aspects of the UK experience can be useful for other countries.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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