Romanian medicine students and tobacco industry
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Romanian Society of Pneumology, Romania
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A85
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As future physicians, medical students represent a primary target for tobacco-prevention programs but they also are victims of the tobacco industry. The eternal question for all educational programmes is whether the medical staff and students is prepared to deliver the anti-tobacco messages and to participate in activities in this domain. For the past 2 years we made multiple studies and surveys (on questionnaires) on the behaviors and educational activities of students in the faculty of medicine, coming from different years of study. We found that the prevalence of smoking in the first year of study was 46,8% (62,5% females and 37,5% males), in the fourth year -41% (75,3% females ,24,7% males) and 49,3% in the fifth year (72,5% females and 27,5% males). If we consider the fact that the course about smoking is held in 4 th year of study and that only very few faculties and departments have this as a compulsory course, we come to the conclusion that the training of these students is insufficient. As they go through medical school, the students’ knowledge of smoking-related diseases obviously increases. Looking at all the years of study, we found no changes in their behaviors: 43% of our students are smokers (32,8%) or ex-smokers (10,2%) Concerning consumers of the trendy e cigarette in Romania we have 45,6% of them testing this product between one month and more than one year (36,6% consider this offer less dangerous as the conventional cigarette and 37,1% made this movement by curiosity). There is a strong need to provide medical students with training in smoking cessation techniques. We need comprehensive programmes of tobacco control among students and an unceasing effort to reduce the number of smokers in medical students, the mirrors of the anti- tobacco activities of our country.