Psychological aspects of smoking among teenagers
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Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Publication date: 2020-10-22
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(Supplement):A65
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Psychological stability is a model of the mutual influence of abilities and abilities of a person to hold emotional, cognitive processes, as well as activity processes in equilibrium states.

Material and Methods:
Analysis of the psychological causes of smoking in teenagers.

Results and Discussion:
The formation of psychological stability occurs in youth. The psychological causes of smoking are circumstances that do not depend on the desire of the subject to make some decisions. Acquaintance with the use of tobacco by teenagers occurs in early childhood when observing the behavior of elders. The main role in this is played by the family. Acceptance of smoking by the family forms the corresponding attitude of the child to smoking. This attitude organically enters into his consciousness, leaves an imprint on the emotionally-evaluative attitude to this past time and develops the corresponding behavior of the child in the future.
The need for smoking is not a biological need; it appears due to lack of knowledge, misunderstanding, inadequate upbringing, and environmental influences. Due to the lack of upbringing, strong-willed qualities, and forbidden barriers, teenagers often have an unmotivated protest against ‘everyone and everything in the world’, which is a reason to start smoking.
Psychological stability is represented by acquired abilities, skills adapted to respond to prolonged stress, to maintain an even and calm mood. Psychological stability contributes to the development of the child and leads to the strengthening of his socially positive interests. At the same time, the psychological stability of adults affects the formation of the psychological stability of teens. Therefore, we can develop psychological resistance to smoking in teenagers, use of training programs will help prevent the emergence of an undesirable addiction.

So, if in the life of modern society, the problem of smoking has become acute, especially among young people, we must form and develop psychological resistance to smoking from childhood.

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