New Tobacco Control Policy in the Kyrgyzstan
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Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Republican Center for Health Protection and Communication, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Public Health Protection Foundation, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A90
The Kyrgyz Republic (KR) ratified the WHO FCTC on 2 March
2006, and the 1st National Tobacco Control Law (TCLaw) was
adopted on 21 August 2006. However, it did not regulate tobacco
smoking by waterpipes and heated tobacco (HT), use of electronic
nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), smokeless tobacco products,
and nicotine-containing smokeless non-tobacco products. Thus,
15 years of experience of implementation of the 1st TCLaw did not
reduce the prevalence of tobacco use, and it became the basis for
the development of new redaction of the TCLaw. The Law of the
KR ‘On protection of the health of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic
from the consequences of tobacco, nicotine consumption and
impact of ambient tobacco smoke and aerosol’ (NewTCL) was
adopted by 15 September 2021. NewTCL includes the following
components: implementation of WHO FCTC Article 5.3 measure
into national legislation, comprehensive indoor smoking ban,
comprehensive TAPS ban, including tobacco products display
ban; smokeless tobacco and tobaccoless nicotine products ban;
waterpipe smoking, HT and ENDS regulation; increased size
of pictorial pack warning and implementation of PHW for HT
and ENDS; increased measures for countrywide tobacco use
prevention and cessation, also treatment service; increased
measures for countrywide anti-tobacco education, communication,
training and public awareness; scientific research, surveillance
and exchange of information; availability of participation of the
NGOs into countrywide anti-tobacco education, communication,
training and public awareness; HT and ENDS producer and
importer annual reporting; moving towards economically viable
business alternatives. New TCLaw passing was made possible
due to: mobilization of civil society, creation of a support group
made up of decision makers, strong international supports, and
maintaining the continuity of the process without interruptions
The Ministry of Health of the KR and the Public Health Protection
Foundation is grateful to Campaign Tobacco Free Kids and
Bloomberg Philanthropies for their support for promotion of
adoption of New TCLaw.