Improve the quality of brief intervention skills
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City Health Center of Health Department of Kyiv, Ukraine
Submission date: 2016-03-30
Acceptance date: 2016-03-31
Publication date: 2016-03-31
Corresponding author
Otto Stoyka   

City Health Center of Health Department of Kyiv, Ukraine, Stecenka str., N2 A, app.33., 04136 Kyiv, Ukraine
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2016;2(April Supplement):30
Studied the consulting skills of physicians about patients smoking and methods of improve the quality of brief intervention skills. Conclusion: After providing training for physicians, all activities of doctors Clinical Interventions for Tobacco Use and Dependence among patients significantly increases. Doctors were twice more likely to record patients’ smoking status in primary health care documents. The percentage of those who do not record patients’ cigarette smoking status dropped. Also the quality of brief intervention such as advice has increased: they are more specific and contain more data about the methods and means of stopping smoking. Doctors began to treat smoking prevention more consciously and reported the usefulness and effectiveness of smoking cessation advice. The above indicates the effectiveness of efforts to improve the way doctors work in smoking prevention outpatient network.
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