Ex-smokers among youth in Bulgaria: How and why they did it
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Smoke Free Life Coalition, Sofia, Bulgaria
Medical University - Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A84
A cross-sectional survey was conducted via online query in December 2020. The total number of the respondents was 644. A third of them (33.4%) were non-smokers, 45.7% current smokers and 21.0% ex-smokers.

The aim is to explore the reasons and ways ex-smokers quit.

We employ descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression, Pearson chi-squared test, and Mann-Whitney U test.

The mostly widely used way of quitting smoking is one’s own will. Much smaller is the proportion that claims use of medicinal products, support from a medical practitioner, friend or book. The mostly given reasons why people quit are: health, financial reasons, and other such as it is not fashionable to smoke. The type of product they started smoking is a factor for them to quit. Smoking within the close circle of young people (their homes and workplaces) is also a significant factor to quit. Surprisingly, age, education level, and type of residence, are also amongst thesignificant factors for quitting. The opinion of ex-smokers about smoking of youth, pregnant women and in front of children is much more likely as non-smokers and thus significantly different from current smokers. The estimates of smoking prevalence amongst youth correspond to those measured by a national representative survey in the same age group.

The mostly given reason for quitting smoking is health, and the most widely used way is one’s own will. Ex-smokers are much more likely as non-smokers according to their opinion and close circle.

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