Depression, anxiety and motivation associated with tobacco use in a telephone intervention to quit smoking
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Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM, Mexico
Publication date: 2023-04-25
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Diana Berenice Bustamante-Aguilar   

Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM, Mexico
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A58
Tobacco use is a global health problem that claims the lives of more than 8 million people a year. Currently there are different options to quit smoking, however, it is important to consider the variables that are associated with tobacco consumption in order to generate more efficiently. OBJECTIVE: to identify the level of association of depression, anxiety, and motivation at the end and in the follow-ups of a telephone intervention. METHOD: 11 people participated in a telephone intervention to quit smoking consisting of 5 calls where cognitive-behavioral techniques were addressed, symptoms of anxiety, depression and states of readiness to change were identified with standardized instruments; follow-up for 1 and 3 months were given after completion of the intervention. RESULTS: the results show a significant decrease in tobacco consumption, going from an initial average consumption of 5.5 cigarettes per day and in the 3-month follow-up of 1.2 cigarettes per day. Anxiety and depression symptoms also decreased throughout the intervention and at follow-up compared to baseline levels. The motivation to change was also modified in the measurements showing higher levels in the action state. No association was found between symptoms of anxiety and depression with reported tobacco use, a statistically significant association was found in the motivation stage to change in action at the one-month follow-up. DISCUSSION: these results coincide with other investigations, the symptoms of anxiety and depression as well as the motivation to quit smoking are important factors that must be considered when applying a treatment or smoking cessation intervention. It is recommended to emphasize strategies focused on emotional regulation related to depression symptoms, in addition to promoting actions to change tobacco consumption in people who arrive motivated to facilitate their adherence to the intervention.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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