Consumption, opinion and knowledge about tobacco products in health professionals
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Health Promotion and Education Service of the General Directorate of Public Health and Addictions of the Ministry of Health, Region of Murcia, Spain
Publication date: 2023-04-25
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Adelaida Lozano Polo
Health Promotion and Education Service of the General Directorate of Public Health and Addictions of the Ministry of Health, Region of Murcia, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A27
In recent years, tobacco products (PT) have proliferated: Heated Tobacco (THP), Water pipes or Shisha and electronic cigarettes with/without nicotine (ENDS/ENNDS).
Health professionals must be up-to-date on the TP to promote the prevention of smoking.
Objectives: To describe the profile of consumption, knowledge, and opinion about TP among primary care and hospital health professionals.
Cross-sectional study with an anonymous and voluntary online survey addressed to health professionals in the Region of Murcia, from 11/04 to 12/18, 2022. Non-probabilistic sampling. Descriptive (percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and analytical (Chi-square and ANOVA) analyzes were performed using the SPSS-V25 program.
123 surveys were obtained, 64.2% nursing and 27.6% medicine. 79.5% women, with a mean age of 46.73 (±9.98). 48% work in primary care and 32.5% in hospitals.
- 12.2% use PT and 35.8% used them at some time (ex-consumers), without statistical differences by sex, profession, or work environment, if existy by age (F: 4.698; p=0.011).
- 9.7% conventional tobacco, 4.9% ENNDS and 2.4% ENDS, THP and Shisha.
- To inform patients about ENDS (16.3%), ENNDS (13%), THP (13%) and Shisha (14.6%)
- On components: 23.6% believe that ENDS do not have nicotine and 35% that thps do not
- Lower risk than conventional tobacco: 19.5% ENDS, 30.1% ENNDS, 11.5% THP; 29.3% Shisha.
- Industry tries to sell harm reduction without demonstrating it (74%)
- PT they promote the initiation of consumption (79%), normalize their use (73.2%) and make cessation chronic (76.4%)
- Cessation: they would never use them (ENDS: 71.8%, ENNDS: 55%, THP: 73.7%)
- Risk: none additional to nicotine (7.4%)
- Training necessary (76.4%) and informative materials (78%)
Among healthcare professionals:
1. The prevalence of PT use is lower than in the general population.
2. They have limited and/or erroneous knowledge to inform patients.
3. They are aware of the risks they pose in tobacco control, not being in favor of its use in cessation.
4. They need more training and information materials.