Mois sans tabac: How to re-create a key
interest for tobacco cessation after 6 years
of the program
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Santé publique France, the French National Public Health Agency, Saint-Maurice, France
Publication date: 2022-07-05
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(Supplement):A33
Mois sans tabac (MST) is a social marketing operation, inspired
by the British Stoptober. Organized every November in France
since 2016, it aims to encourage smokers to stop smoking for 30
days. Smokers are invited to register on a website. Between 2016
and 2019, annual registrations ranged from 158290 to 243579.
Since 2020, these figures have been steadily decreasing (112933
in 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic is part of the explanation
in 2021, but the loss of momentum of MST leads to rethink the
Our aim was to re-create engagement for MST.
Three brainstorming sessions were organized by Santé publique
France with stakeholders: the project team, communication contractors, and experts involved in MST (tobacco cessation,
social marketing, field actors; n=21). The objectives were to
generate new ideas to help smokers to quit tobacco. Three focus
groups of low socioeconomic status smokers were conducted (15
men and 11 women) with the same objectives but also to test
the ideas from the previous brainstorming sessions. An external
observer attended all sessions and analyzed the results.
All data concluded that MST should be maintained, as an annual
event supported by public authorities. New ideas have been raised:
expectations from a wider mobilization of public authorities and
civil society, a strengthened support system to choose between
different quitting tools, to humanize and individualize the
support, the need to emphasize the collective approach and to
reward smoking cessation. Differences according to the profiles
of participants were observed.
Ideas were discussed within the project team and led to a
redefinition around four axes in 2022: the reaffirmation of the
collective ambition of MST, the pedagogy of the device and the
quitting tools, the possibility to have a tailor-made cessation
program, and the creation of a mobilizing event to reaffirm the
momentum of MST.